Dakar, Senegal

Located on the Cape Verde Peninsula, Dakar is the capital and largest city of Senegal.
City population
Member since
Mr Barthélémy Toye Dias
Focal point
Mr Mamadou Moustapha Dieng


Dakar’s education policy is aligned with the national programme to improve education and training. In the short term, it aims for a concerted educational vision, the professional integration of young people, school health programmes, environmental awareness, the expansion of educational infrastructures and the integration of digital technology. In the long term, it aims to improve the quality of education, promote entrepreneurship, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat plastic pollution.

Democratizing access to quality education and training that meets socio-economic, environmental and cultural needs is the main challenge we must meet if we are to create viable, competitive regions that promote sustainable development.

Mr Barthélémy Toye Dias
Mayor of Dakar

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Dakar integrates sustainability and health by managing hospitals, supporting health coverage, training health professionals, organizing health promotion workshops, setting up school infirmaries and monitoring food hygiene in school canteens, thereby promoting the health and well-being of its population.
Equity and inclusion
Since the 1990s, the city of Dakar has been supporting the integration of disadvantaged groups through the Support Project for Families in Poverty (Projet d’appui aux familles en situation de pauvreté – PAFSEP). In 2010, the Municipal Development and Solidarity Fund was created, promoting the economy through training, financial support and social reintegration measures for young people and ex-prisoners.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
Dakar has set up the Business Incubator for the Promotion of Employment through Microenterprises (Couveuse d’entreprise pour la promotion de l’emploi par la microentreprise – CEPEM) in cooperation with the cities of Marseille and Montreal, with the support of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF). CEPEM offers business training and support, helping young people and women to test their projects before becoming entrepreneurs, and provides educational support to help them succeed.

Good practices

Urban governance programme
Dakar has launched an urban governance programme in partnership with the European Union to address climate and energy challenges. The programme includes a participatory Territorial Climate and Energy Plan (PCET), an exchange platform, energy efficiency pilot projects and an awareness-raising approach to encourage sustainable energy and environmental practices.
‘Dakar Régénération Verte’ (Dakar Green Regeneration)
This collaborative project between Dakar and Milan is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and aims to improve urban services and waste management in Dakar by promoting environmental education and sustainable development for a successful climate transition.
‘Agir pour la santé menstruelle’ (Taking Action for Menstrual Health)
The cities of Marseille and Dakar are implementing this project collaboratively. Its objective it to enhance access to women’s health education for young girls in Dakar through training, awareness campaigns and empowerment initiatives.