
Latest Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks published

The latest edition of the Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks is now available.
Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks, volume 1

It was co-developed by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), the European Training Foundation (ETF), UNESCO and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and consists of two volumes that, together, offer up-to-date information on recent developments in the field. 

Volume I brings together a series of thematic chapters covering global trends related to the establishment of qualifications systems and frameworks and the recognition of prior learning. In line with its current work, UIL contributed a chapter that critically explores how digitalizing processes to recognize, validate and accredit previously acquired competencies can support migrants and refugees to engage with technical and vocational education and training (TVET) opportunities. Volume I also features a cross-country analysis, showing that the majority of the frameworks analysed are now considered to be at an ‘advanced’ stage, meaning they address manifold learning outcomes.  

Other takeaways from Volume I reflect the varying ways countries are accounting for micro-credentials in their national qualifications frameworks (NQFs), how digital technologies are increasingly used in the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of non-formal and informal learning, and the importance of linking frameworks to other education, social and labour market policies to foster learner progression. 

The second volume of the Global Inventory enumerates current national and regional qualification frameworks based on a 2020 cross-agency updating exercise in which 93 case studies from 89 countries were generated in order to monitor and assess the progress that has been made in the field. 

Volumes I and II of the latest Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks are available through the following links:  

For further information on UIL’s work regarding qualifications frameworks and to access previous editions of the Global Inventory, visit the Institute’s website