
Global Lifelong Learning Summit (GLLS)

Global Lifelong Learning Summit event image

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will contribute to the Global Lifelong Learning Summit (GLLS) in Singapore. The Summit has been organized by the country’s Ministry of Education, Skills Future Singapore and Singapore’s Institute of Adult Education, in partnership with UIL, the Asia-Europe Meeting Lifelong Learning Hub, the International Labour Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

By bringing together governments, international organizations, educational institutions, enterprises and other stakeholders, the two-day event aims to foster urgent dialogue on how lifelong learning can support inclusive economic growth. It will also address how workers can adapt to constantly changing labour market conditions.

On the first day of the summit, UIL will host a roundtable discussion on ‘Global experiences in lifelong learning policy development and implementation’ from 09:00 to 10:20 (GMT+8), moderated by UIL Team Leader, Raúl Valdés Cotera. The session will principally provide a space for exchange on processes of lifelong learning policy development in UNESCO Member States, as well as on systemic approaches to policy development at the national level. It will also explore the implementation of lifelong learning policies at national and local levels, using UIL’s flagship publication, Making Lifelong Learning a Reality: A Handbook, as a central reference point throughout.

During the session, participants will hear from the Director of UIL, David Atchoarena. Three other expert speakers will also offer their insights: Aaron Benavot (Professor of Global Education Policy in the School of Education at the University at Albany); Denni Puspa Purbasari (Executive Director of Kartu Prakerja PMO at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia) and Dae Joong Kang (President of the Republic of Korea’s National Institute for Lifelong Education). 

It is hoped that the summit will provide a regional platform through which participants can learn from one another, generate new ideas and explore future collaboration in the field of lifelong learning.

The conference will be available to follow via a dedicated livestream.

About the Global Lifelong Learning Summit

Through discussion of best practices, approaches and opportunities for collaboration, the GLLS will explore how learners, institutions, enterprises and government can collectively enable effective lifelong learning to support sustainable employability. Participation is by invitation only. Participants unable to join in-person will be able to follow online, via a dedicated livestream.